Program verification and testing
When is a program correct?
When it fulfills its specification
What is a specification?
To state explicitly or in detail what a program should do!How to establish a relation between the specification and the implementation?
What about bugs in the specification?
We need to trust our specification.
In this lecture
We cover to (quite different) techniques to show that an implementation adheres to its specification
Proving: equational reasoning
Testing: property-based testing
Equational reasoning
We know that Haskell supports equational reasoning, i.e., changing equals by equals
Referential transparency is key!
Example: insertion sort
Length of lists
length :: [a] -> Int length [] = 0 length (x : xs) = 1 + length xs
Inserting an element in an ordered list
insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a] insert x [] = [x] insert x (y : ys) | x <= y = x : y : ys | otherwise = y : insert x ys
Insertion sort
isort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] isort [] = [] isort (x : xs) = insert x (isort xs)
Proving correctness of isort
We can capture the "right" behavior of
with many propertiesWe consider that the length of a sorted list is the same as the list before being sorted.
length (isort xs) == length xs
for any finite and well-defined list
How do we prove it?
Properties regarding data types can often be proved by induction
To prove that
P xs
holds for a given property
and listxs
, it is enough to prove thatBase case:
P []
Inductive case:
Assuming that
P xs
holds for any
, then it must holdP (x:xs)
for any
We try to prove
length (isort xs) == length xs
by induction
Base case:
length (isort []) =?= length []
is used to indicate uncertainty about the equality. In other words,length (isort []) =?= length []
indicates that we are not sure if the equality holds. After all, that is what we should prove!length (isort []) == {definition isort.0} length [] == {definition length.0} 0 == {definition length.0} length []
So, we complete the proof for the base case.
Inductive case:
This is often the most interesting case. We assume that
length (isort xs) == length xs
and we should show that
length (isort (x:xs)) =?= length (x:xs)
So, we start trying to unfold definitions.
length (isort (x:xs)) == {definition isort.1) length (insert x (isort xs))
At this point, to continue unfolding the expression, we need to do case analysis on
, i.e.,xs == []
andxs == y:ys
.*Deconstructing the inductive argument is not always a good idea*. It might be an indication that we need to think about an auxiliary lemma(s).
Auxiliary lemmas
If we see the expression where we got stuck
length (insert x (isort xs))
What can we know about it? Can it be generalized?
Generalization is *very* important to simplify expressions and make proofs simplerWe can generalize the expression
length (insert x (isort xs))
to be
length (insert x ys)
What can we say about that?
We would like to show that
length (insert x ys) == 1 + length ys
How can we prove it? By induction!
Base case:
length (insert x []) == {definition insert.0} length [x] == {definition length.1} 1 + length []
Inductive case:
We assume that
length (insert x ys) == 1 + length ys
and we should prove that
length (insert x (y:ys)) == 1 + length (y:ys)
Thus, we take
length (insert x (y:ys))
and unfold definitions.
x <= y
:length (insert x (y:ys)) == {definition insert.1} length (x:y:ys) == {definition length.1} 1 + length (y:ys)
:length (insert x (y:ys)) == {definition insert.1} length (y : insert x ys) == {definition length.1} 1 + length (insert x ys) == {inductive hypothesis!) 1 + (1 + length ys) == {definition length.1} 1 + length (y:ys)
Proving isort
with auxiliary lemma
We were stuck in the inductive case of
length (isort (x:xs)) =?= length (x:xs)
To prove this, as before, we assume
length (isort xs) == length xs
and we unfold the expression
length (isort (x:xs))
.length (isort (x:xs)) == { definition isort.1 } length (insert x (isort xs)) == {by auxiliary lemma taking ys == (isort xs) } 1 + length (isort xs) == {by induction hypothesis} 1 + length (xs) == { definition length.1 } length (x:xs)
The proof goes through!
It is often the case that auxiliary lemma(s) are needed in order to complete the proofProof skeleton
When doing a proof, it is often the case that, in order to make some progress, it is necessary to destruct a variable which is part of the inductive hypothesis (IH). This situation might be a hint that we need to either generalize the theorem statement or to prove auxiliary lemmas. Bear in mind that auxiliary lemmas' statements might be a generalization of what the proof needs (see next example below). To finish the proof, we then proceed to apply the auxiliary lemmas first and then the IH or vice versa.
Proving more properties
Consider the function
reverse :: [a] -> [a] reverse [] = [] reverse (x:xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]
How do we know if the function is correct?
We can start by lining up several properties that it must fulfill
length (reverse xs) == length xs reverse (reverse xs) == xs ...
Let us try to prove
reverse (reverse xs) == xs
We proceed by induction on the list structure.
Base case:
reverse (reverse []) == {definition reverse.0} reverse [] == {definition reverse.0} []
Inductive case:
We assume that
reverse (reverse xs) == xs
and we need to prove that
reverse (reverse (x:xs)) =?= (x:xs)
So, we have that
reverse (reverse (x:xs)) == {definition reverse.1} reverse (reverse xs ++ [x])
At this point, in order to proceed, we need to destruct the inductive variable
. As before, this situation is an indication that we need to think about an auxiliary lemma or generalize the theorem statement.Let us scrutinize where we got stuck.
reverse (reverse xs ++ [x])
What can we say about this expression? It is quite complicated. Let us generalize it in order to simplify it!
reverse (ys ++ zs)
Observe that if we make
ys == reverse xs
andzs == [x]
, we obtain the expression where we got stuck in the proof.What can we say about this expression?
reverse (ys ++ zs) =?= reverse zs ++ reverse ys
The reverse of two concatenated lists is the concatenation of their reverse! This is going to be our auxiliary lemma.
Auxiliary lemma for reverse
We are going to assume some properties about concat
xs ++ [] == xs (xs ++ ys) ++ zs == xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
Exercise: prove the properties of `(++)` described aboveWe proof by induction on
reverse (ys ++ zs) == reverse zs ++ reverse ys
Base case:
reverse ([] ++ zs) == {definition (++)} reverse zs == {property of (++)} reverse zs ++ [] == {definition reverse.0} reverse zs ++ reverse []
Inductive case:
We assume that
reverse (ys ++ zs) == reverse zs ++ reverse ys
and we need to prove that
reverse ((y:ys) ++ zs) == reverse zs ++ reverse (y:ys)
reverse ((y:ys) ++ zs) == {definition (++)} reverse (y:(ys ++ zs)) == {definition of reverse.1 with x == y, xs == ys ++ zs} reverse (ys ++ zs) ++ [y] == {inductive hypothesis} (reverse zs ++ reverse ys) ++ [y] == {associativity of (++)} reverse zs ++ (reverse ys ++ [y]) == {definition of reverse.1} reverse zs ++ reverse (y:ys)
Proving reverse
with auxiliary lemma
We come back to the case where we got stuck
reverse (reverse (x:xs)) =?= (x:xs)
So, we have that
reverse (reverse (x:xs)) == {definition reverse.1} reverse (reverse xs ++ [x]) == {by auxiliary lemma with ys == reverse xs, zs == [x] reverse [x] ++ reverse (reverse xs) == {by inductive hypothesis} reverse [x] ++ xs == {definition of reverse.1} ([] ++ [x]) ++ xs == {definition (++)} [x] ++ xs == {definition of (:)} x:[] ++ xs == {definition of (++)} x:([] ++ xs) == {definition of (++)} (x:xs)
The proof now goes through!
Equational reasoning summary
Equational reasoning can be an elegant way to prove properties of a program
Equational reasoning can be used to establish a relation between an obviously correct Haskell program (a specification) and an efficient Haskell program
Equational reasoning is usually quite lengthy
Careful with special cases (laziness):
values;- infinite values
It is not feasible to prove properties about every Haskell program using equational reasoning
Other proof methods
Property-based testing
Rather than formally proving that a program is correct, we are going to test it against its specification
Importantly, the test cases are generated automatically
We will use QuickCheck, a Haskell library developed at Chalmers by Koen Claessen and John Hughes
QuickCheck is essentially an embedded domain-specific language (EDSL) for defining properties and test implementations against them
Automatic datatype-driven generation of random test data, i.e., QuickCheck uses the type information of your data to generate test cases!
Users can extend the generation of random test data to fit their needs
Shrinks failing test cases