Advanced Functional Programming TDA342/DIT260 (Online Exam)

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Date Saturday, 21 March 2020
Time 8:30 - 12:30 (4hs)
Submission window 12:30 - 12:40


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Questions during the exam

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  1. You will join the meeting in a waiting room and need to wait until it is your turn.

  2. I will grab one by one into the meeting to answer your questions.

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** Round 1 (9:30) **

Topic: Exam questions - AFP - round I
Time: Mar 21, 2020 09:30 AM Stockholm

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** Round 2 (11:30) **

Topic: Exam question - AFP - round 2
Time: Mar 21, 2020 11:30 AM Stockholm

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** Exam rounds **

** Submission of the exam **

Good luck!

Exercise 1 (22 points)

File src/Exam/Ex1.hs

This exercise is based on the module Type-based modeling of the course. If you do not remember it, do not worry, we will briefly recap it here. In any case, the content of the lecture is available.

We consider a simple (non-monadic) DSL for integers and booleans expressions. The DSL gets implemented in a deep-embedded manner.

data Expr where
  -- Constructors
  LitI   :: Int  -> Expr
  LitB   :: Bool -> Expr
  -- Combinators
  (:+:)  :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
  (:==:) :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
  If     :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr

and the run function, which is the most interesting piece of the code:

eval :: Expr -> Value

Since expressions can be reduced to integers or booleans, an element of type Value is either an integer or a boolean.

data Value = VInt Int | VBool Bool

There are some aspects of this implementation that we need to remark.

  1. This DSL allows to evaluate ill-typed expressions, so calling eval can fail miserably but we do not worry about that here.
  > eval (LitB True :==: LitI 42)
  *** Exception: Crash!
  1. You can inspect the type of values as follows.
  > showTypeOfVal (eval (LitI 42))
  > showTypeOfVal (eval (LitB True :==: LitB False))
  1. You can also nicely print objects of the EDSL as follows.
  > show  $ If (LitB False) (LitI 2) (LitI 2 :+: LitI 1736)
  "if False then 2 else 2 + 1736"
  1. You can randomly generate terms of type Expr as follows.

    > import Test.QuickCheck
    > generate (arbitrary :: Gen Expr)
    if (if True + True then if -22 then False else False else -8 + -20) == True
    then 16 else -13 == (False == -6) + 4 + (if False then -19 else True)

    The output that you get when running generate (arbitrary :: Gen Expr) surely varies due to the randomness used by QuickCheck.

In this exercise, your goal is to extend the EDSL to work with lists. So, we extend the EDSL with two new constructors (Nil and Cons) as follows.

data Expr where
  LitI   :: Int  -> Expr
  LitB   :: Bool -> Expr
  (:+:)  :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
  (:==:) :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
  If     :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
  Nil    :: Expr                         -- new
  Cons   :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr         -- new

To help you out along the way, we have include many test cases (definitions test1, test2, .., test11).

Task 1.1 (5 pts)

Extend the pretty printing of the language, i.e., definition of showsPrec, to consider lists. For instance, your solution should produce the following outputs.

> let test1 = Nil in show test1  -- def. test1
> let test2 = Cons (LitI 1) (Cons (LitB True) Nil) in show test2
> let test3 = Cons (LitI 1) (Cons (LitB True) (Cons (LitI 42) Nil)) in show test3
> show test6 -- see def. test6

Make sure that your function crashes when it is not a list.

> show $ Cons (LitI 42) (LitB True)
"[*** Exception: The list got broken

Task 1.2 (5 pts)

Extend arbExpr :: Int -> Gen Expr to generate also lists.

Do not worry about these two points. We will clarify them later on.

Task 1.3 (10 pts)

Extend the definition of Value and eval to consider lists.

Task 1.4 (2 pts)

Extend function showTypeOfEval to display [Value] when dealing with expressions which evaluate to lists.

> show test2
> showTypeOfVal (eval test2)
> show test6
> showTypeOfVal (eval test6)

Exercise 2 (38 points)

File src/Exam/Ex2.hs

To avoid evaluating many of the ill-form expressions in the DSL from Exercise 2, e.g., Ex1.eval (Ex1.LitB True :==: Ex1.LitI 42), we saw during the lectures how to use GADTs and implement a typed DSL. We briefly recapitulate what we did in that lecture here. From now on, all definitions related to the previous exercises are referred in a qualified form as Ex1.

  1. We introduced a GADT of the form Expr t, where t is a Haksell type which indicates the value that the expression denotes.

    data Expr t where
      LitI   :: Int -> Expr Int
      LitB   :: Bool -> Expr Bool
      (:+:)  :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
      (:==:) :: Eq t => Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr Bool
      If     :: Expr Bool -> Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr t

    For instance, now the expression LitB True :==: LitI 42 is not well-typed for Haskell.

    >:t LitB True :==: LitI 42
       • Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Bool’
         Expected type: Expr Bool
           Actual type: Expr Int
  2. The DSL's run function is

    eval :: Expr t -> t

    which knows the resulting type of the evaluation, i.e., t, so it is not necessary to keep typing tags around during evaluation (like Ex1.VInt and Ex1.VBool in the previous exercise).

  3. We show that this DSL (based on Expr t) is more restrictive than the one in the previous exercise (based on Ex1.Expr) by removing the typing information. The function forget takes a term in Expr t and builds one in Ex1.Expr.

    forget :: Expr t -> Ex1.Expr
  4. We use some advanced Haskell's type-system to check if an expression of type Ex1.Expr has a valid type by rewriting it into one of type Expr t for some t, which is done by function infer.

    infer :: Ex1.Expr -> Maybe TypedExpr
  5. We implement a function evalT as a safe wrapper on Ex1.eval:

    evalT :: Ex1.Expr -> Maybe Ex1.Value

    This function only calls Ex1.eval if the given argument is well-typed.

  6. There is a property written in QuickCheck that says that the result produced by evalT should match that of Ex1.eval. In that way, we have not changed the semantics of our DSL when we moved to a more typed discipline.

    prop_eval :: Ex1.Expr -> Property

    You can check the property as follows:

    > main
    +++ OK, passed 100 tests:
    51% Bool
    49% Int

    which indicates that the test has passed, where QuickCheck generated 51% and 49% of well-typed Boolean and integer expressions Ex1.Expr, respectively.

Task 2.1 (5 pts)

The good aspects of using GADTs in this way is that it allows to check for the well-form of lists, lists of lists, lists of lists of lists, etc. Extend the definition of Expr t to consider constructor Nil and Cons

data Expr t where
  LitI   :: Int -> Expr Int
  LitB   :: Bool -> Expr Bool
  (:+:)  :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
  (:==:) :: Eq t => Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr Bool
  If     :: Expr Bool -> Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr t
  Nil    :: Expr t  -- change this
  Cons   :: Expr t  -- change this

and make sure that your extension allows to build the following examples:

ok1 = Cons (LitI 1) (Cons (LitI 2) Nil)                       -- [1,2]
ok2 = Cons (Cons (LitI 1) Nil) (Cons (Cons (LitI 2) Nil) Nil) -- [[1],[2]]

and rejects these ones:

bad1 = Cons (LitI 1) (Cons (LitB True) Nil)         -- [1,True]
bad2 = Cons (Cons (LitI 1) Nil) (Cons (LitI 2) Nil) -- [[1],2]

Task 2.2 (2 pts)

Extend the definition of forget to consider the cases for Nil and Cons.

Task 2.3 (3 pts)

Extend eval with the cases for Nil and Cons.

At this point, we ignore how to extend `(:+:)` and `(:==:)` to consider lists.

Task 2.4 (5 pts)

Extend eval to consider the addition and comparison of lists. The addition and comparison of lists should have the same semantics as the previous exercise. For instance, we only consider addition of lists of numbers when both lists have the same length.

Task 2.5 (8 pt)

Function infer relies on the GADT Type t, which indicates the type of expressions:

data Type t where
  TInt  :: Type Int
  TBool :: Type Bool

Importantly, function (=?=) implements equality of types by returning Just Refl for those cases where s and t are the same time:

(=?=) :: Type s -> Type t -> Maybe (Equal s t)

Extend the definition of Type t, Show (Type t), and (=?=) to consider lists.

Task 2.6 (5 pts)

In this task, you should extend the definition of infer to work with lists. Before doing that, we need to clarify a problem inherent to the approach we have followed in our DSL.

What should be the inferred type of the empty list ?

infer Ex1.Nil 

Well, in principle, Ex1.Nil could be a list of integer, booleans, list of list of integer, list of list of boolean, and so on. So, we do not know the type of the empty list by just looking at the empty list. We need either:

  1. more context, i.e., to see how the empty list gets used,
  2. support for type variables, or
  3. support for polymorphism.

We are not going to pursue option 2 and 3. Instead, we stick to option 1. An easy fix is to disallow typing empty lists and only type lists of size, at least one. So, infer will raise an error when trying to infer the type of just Nil:

infer e =
  Ex1.Nil -> Nothing

However, infer should be defined for lists of size, at least, one. That is why in Exercise 1, Task 1.2, you were asked to not generate empty lists.

In this point, do not modify the code for the case `r1 Ex1.:+: r2`. This means that you will not be able to type-check terms where you are adding lists.

Task 2.7 (5 pt)

Extend evalT to handle lists.

After you have done that, you can test that you have not changed the semantics of evaluating lists w.r.t to Exercise 1 by using QuickCheck:

+++ OK, passed 100 tests:
48% Bool
42% Int
10% [Value]

As you see above, you should not expect a high percentage of test cases (often less than 10%) related to lists. The reason being that it is hard for QuickCheck to generate well-typed lists with such a simple generator as the one in Exercise 1.

Task 2.8 (5 pt)

In this task, you should extend infer to work for addition of lists, e.g., it should work as follow in the next example:

> infer $ (Ex1.Cons (Ex1.LitI 2) Ex1.Nil) Ex1.:+: (Ex1.Cons (Ex1.LitI 10) Ex1.Nil)
Just [2] + [10] :: [Int]