Introduction to the course
This course
- Advanced Programming Language Features
- Type systems
- Programming techniques
- In the context of Functional Programming
- Haskell
- Applications
- Signals processing, graphics, web programming, security
- Domain Specific Languages
Self study
- You need to read yourself
- Find out information yourself
- Solve problems yourself
- With a lo of help from us!
- All information is on the web page for the course
- Discussion board
- Office hours
- A few times a week. Check the hours here.
- 2 Lectures per week
- Including a few guest lectures
- Two exercise sessions (we solve, for example, previous exams)
- 3 Programming assignments (labs)
- Done in pairs (use the discussion groups to pair up)
- No scheduled lab supervision (use the office hours instead!)
- 1 Written exam**Final grade: 60% labs + 40% exam**
Getting help
- Course homepage
- It should be comprehensive -- complain if it is not!
- Discussion board (Google group)
- Everyone should become a member
- Discuss general topics, find lab partner, etc.
- **Don't post (partial or complete) lab solutions
- Send e-mails to teachers (myself and the assistants)
- Organizational help, lectures, etc. (Lecturer)
- Specific help with programming labs (Assistants)
Recalling Haskell
- Purely functional language
- Functions vs. Actions
- Referential transparency
- Lazy evaluation
- Things are evaluated at most once
- Advanced (always evolving) type system
- Polymorphism
- Type classes
- Type families
- etc.
Functions vs. Actions
f :: String -> Int
Only the knowledge about the string is needed to produce the result. We say that
is a pure function.Input and output are key for real world programs!
Haskell has a distinctive feature with respect to other programming languages
Pure code is separated from that which could affect the external world!How?
Types!Code which has side-effects in the real world has type
IO a
(for somea
)g :: String -> IO Int
, this function produces an action which, when executed, produces an integer. However, it mightuse anything to produce it, e.g., data found in files, user input, randomness, and
modify anything, e.g., files, send packages over the network, etc.
Programming with IO
Interacting with the user
hello :: IO () hello = do putStrLn "Hello! What is your name?" name <- getLine putStrLn ("Hi, " ++ name ++ "!")
Let us write a program that enumerates and prints a list of strings.
> printTable ["1g saffran", "1kg (17dl) vetemjöl", "5dl mjölk", "250g mager kesella", "50g jäst", "1.5dl socker", "0.5tsk salt"] 1: 1g saffran 2: 1kg (17dl) vetemjöl 3: 5dl mjölk 4: 250g mager kesella 5: 50g jäst 6: 1.5dl socker 7: 0.5tsk salt >
printTable :: [String] -> IO () printTable = prnt 1 -- Note the use of partial application where prnt :: Int -> [String] -> IO () prnt _i [] = return () prnt i (x:xs) = do putStrLn (show i ++ ": " ++ x) prnt (i+1) xs
IO actions are first class, i.e., you can pass them around and store them as any other value.
Can we write
differently?Let us create a list of actions and then sequentially show them.
printTable2 :: [String] -> IO () printTable2 xs = sequence_ [ putStrLn (show i ++ ":" ++ x) | (x,i) <- xs `zip` [1..length xs] ] sequence_ :: [IO ()] -> IO () -- Prelude
Referential transparency
What is it? "...An expression may contain certain 'names' which stand for unknown quantities, but it is normal in mathematical notation to presume that different occurrences of the same name refer to the same unknown quantity... "
"...the meaning of an expression is its value and there are no other effects, hidden or otherwise, in any procedure for actually obtaining it. Furthermore, the value of an expression depends only on the values of its constituent expressions (if any)..."
Source: Introduction to Functional Programming by R. Bird and P. Walder (First edition, page 4)
What does it buy us?
Equational reasoning, i.e., expressions can be freely changed by others that denote the same value.
A classic property for function
:reverse (reverse xs) = xs
What about programs with I/O?
In Haskell, expressions of type
IO a
(for some typea
) are pure expressions which denote (describe) I/O actions.In other words, an expression of type
IO a
is not the computation itself but rather a pure description of it.This enable us to also do equational reasoning on IO actions.
Unfortunately, we do not always have the definition of the functions describing I/O effects (e.g.,
, etc.). Nevertheless, we can still do some reasoning based on the underlying structure ofIO
(monad). For instance, the codedo putStrLn "Hi!" name <- getLine return ("hi!" ++ name)
is equivalent to
do putStrLn "Hi!" name <- getLine return 42 return ("hi!" ++ name)
Referential transparency in practice
In practice, changing expressions by others denoting the same values might have consequences in
- Memory and energy consumption
- Performance
Evaluation of expressions often trigger a lot of side-effects (memory allocation, garbage collector, etc.) even though they are pure.
That expressions denote the same value does not mean that they are equally convenient to use in practice!
Evaluation orders
Eager evaluation
ML uses this strategy
It reduces variables as soon as they get bound, e.g., it reduces functions' arguments first.
Eager evaluation Programmer dictates the execution order by the structure of their code The runtime is usually small It promotes early error propagation Evaluation of unnecessary expressions Programmers need to organize the code for optimal execution based on the reduction order
Lazy evaluation
Haskell is a lazy language
Expressions are evaluated at most once
Expressions are evaluated only when needed
Expressions are never evaluated twice
(We will explore more in detail what this means)
Observing evaluations in Haskell
error "message"
to see whether something gets evaluatedtestLazy2 = head [3, undefined, 17] testLazy3 = head (3:4:error "no tail") testLazy4 = head [error "no first elem", 17, 13] testLazy5 = head (error "no list at all")
Lazy evaluation: skipping unnecessary computations
Consider the following functions
-- | Fibonacci expn :: Integer -> Integer expn n | n <= 1 = 1 | otherwise = expn (n-1) + expn (n-2) choice :: Bool -> a -> a -> a choice False f _t = f choice True _f t = t
is "expensive" to compute. Do you see why?What does it happen when running?
testChoice1 :: Integer testChoice1 = choice False 17 (expn 99) testChoice2 :: Integer testChoice2 = choice False 17 (error "Don't touch me!")
Lazy evaluation: programming style
Programs separate the
- construction
- and selection of data for a given purpose
Modularity: "It makes it practical to modularise a program as a generator which constructs a large number of possible answers, and a selector which chooses the appropriate one."
Lazy evaluation: when is a value "needed"?
An argument is evaluated when a pattern match occurs
strange :: Bool -> Integer strange False = 17 strange True = 17 testStrange = strange undefined
Primitive functions also evaluate their arguments
Lazy evaluation: at most once?
ff :: Integer -> Integer ff x = (x - 2) * 10 foo :: Integer -> Integer foo x = ff x + ff x bar :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer bar x y = ff 17 + x + y testBar = bar 1 2 + bar 3 4
ff x
gets evaluated twice infoo x
ff 17
is evaluated twice intestBar
Why is that?
In lazy evaluation, bindings are evaluated at most once!
We can adapt
above to evaluateff x
at most once by introducing a local bindingfoo :: Integer -> Integer foo x = ffx + ffx where ffx = ff x
The evaluation happens at most once in the corresponding scope!
What about
f 17
? How can we changebar
to evaluate it at most once?bar :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer bar x y = ff17 + x + y ff17 :: Integer ff17 = ff 17
We introduce a top-level binding, which are really evaluated at most once.
Lazy evaluation: infinite lists
Because of laziness, Haskell is able to denote infinite structures
They are not compute completely!
Instead, Haskell only computes the needed parts from them
Infinite lists examples
take n [3..] xs `zip` [1..]
We can write "generic code" which gets "instantiate" to the appropriated case.
printTable3 :: [String] -> IO () printTable3 xs = sequence_ [ putStrLn (show i ++ ":" ++ x) | (x,i) <- xs `zip` [1..] ] testTable3 = printTable3 lussekatter
Observe that
takes an infinite lists but it will only use as many elements as thelength xs
Other examples
- Raising functions to a positive power
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a] iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
> iterate (2*) 1 [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,...]
Repeating a number infinitely
repeat :: a -> [a] repeat x = x : repeat x
Creating periodic lists
cycle :: [a] -> [a] cycle xs = xs ++ cycle xs
Alternative definitions
repeat :: a -> [a] repeat = iterate id cycle :: [a] -> [a] cycle xs = concat (repeat xs)
Lazy evaluation: infinite lists exercises
Problem: let us define the function
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a] replicate = ?
such that
> replicate 5 'a' "aaaaa"
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a] replicate n x = take n (repeat x)
Problem: grouping lists elements into lists of equal size
group :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] group = ?
> group 4 "thisthatok!!" ["this", "that", "ok!!"]
group n = takeWhile (not . null) . map (take n) . iterate (drop n)
Function composition
connects data processing "stages" -- like Unix pipes!Problem: prime numbers
primes :: [Integer] primes = ?
> take 4 primes [2,3,5,7]
primes :: [Integer] primes = sieve [2..] where sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [ y | y <- xs, y `mod` p /= 0 ] sieve [] = error "sieve: empty list is impossible"
This algorithm is commonly mistaken for Eratosthenes' sieve -- see that paper The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes for more details.
Lazy evaluation: infinite data structures
Consider the following data structure:
data Labyrinth = Crossroad { what :: String , left :: Labyrinth , right :: Labyrinth }
Let us define a labyrinth.
labyrinth :: Labyrinth labyrinth = start where start = Crossroad "start" forest town town = Crossroad "town" start forest forest = Crossroad "forest" town exit exit = Crossroad "exit" exit exit
What does it happen when we print out
Lazy evaluation: conclusions
Lazy evaluation |
Avoid unnecessary computations (a different programming style) |
It provides error recovery |
It allows to describe infinity data structures |
It can make programs more modular |
It is hard to do complexity analysis |
It is not suitable for time-critical operations |
Type classes
It is a distinctive feature in Haskell.
What does it provide?
- Systematic manner of achieving overloading
- It even enables to do some type-level programming
class Eq a where -- simplified version (==) :: a -> a -> Bool class Eq a => Ord a where -- simplified version (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool (>=) :: a -> a -> Bool instance Eq Int where (==) = somePrimitiveEqualityTest somePrimitiveEqualityTest :: Int -> Int -> Bool somePrimitiveEqualityTest = ...
Let us consider the following type class.
class Finite a where domain :: [a]
What types could be an instance of this class? Can you make functions instances of
Focus of this course
- Libraries ⇔ little languages
- Express and solve a problem
- In a problem domain
- Programming languages
- General purpose
- Domain-specific
- Description languages (e.g., JavaScript, HTML, Postscript)
- Embedded languages
- A little language implemented as a library
Typical embedded language
- Modeling the behavior of elements in a problem domain
- Functions for creating elements
- Constructor functions
- Functions for modifying or combining elements
- Combinators
- Functions for observing elements
- Run functions